94 - Gallic Wars 4: Amphibious Assault

94 - Gallic Wars 4: Amphibious Assault

Caesar crosses two major bodies of water (and he hasn’t even gotten to the Rubicon yet), in part 4 of our series on Caesar’s masterwork of psychology, strategy, and propaganda: On the Gallic War (De Bello Gallico).
This is a world-history making story (the conquest of what’s now modern France), told by a world-history making storyteller. 
Caesar entered Gaul as a mere politician. He returned 9 years later as a conqueror - and an enemy of the state. He tells how it all happened with his own pen.

In this episode:
  • The Suebi and their strange ways
  • Caesar builds a bridge
  • Caesar’s first landing in Britain
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(Ep. cover art by Peter Jackson)
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