74 - Crassus Aftermath, Takeaways, Sources
What happened to Crassus' captured soldiers? To his family? What can we learn from his successes and his world-historic failure?
ANNOUNCEMENT! Cost of Glory Men's Leadership Retreat in Rome - July 2024. Reach out to alex@ancientlifecoach.com if you're interested.
Buy the books:
-Penguin edition of Plutarch including Life of Crassus
-Sallust's war with Catiline
-Tom Holland's Rubicon
-Barry Strauss' book on Spartacus
-Edward Watts's Mortal Republic
-Gareth Sampson, "The Defeat of Rome" on Parthian Expedition
-Peter Stothard, The First Tycoon
See also Gruen, Last Generation of the Roman Republic; Ward, Crassus and the Late Roman Republic; Rawson, Crassorum Funera (in journal Latomus).
Pictured: Roman Soldier next to a Han noble, statue group in Liqian, China. Photo: Natalie Behring
ANNOUNCEMENT! Cost of Glory Men's Leadership Retreat in Rome - July 2024. Reach out to alex@ancientlifecoach.com if you're interested.
Buy the books:
-Penguin edition of Plutarch including Life of Crassus
-Sallust's war with Catiline
-Tom Holland's Rubicon
-Barry Strauss' book on Spartacus
-Edward Watts's Mortal Republic
-Gareth Sampson, "The Defeat of Rome" on Parthian Expedition
-Peter Stothard, The First Tycoon
See also Gruen, Last Generation of the Roman Republic; Ward, Crassus and the Late Roman Republic; Rawson, Crassorum Funera (in journal Latomus).
Pictured: Roman Soldier next to a Han noble, statue group in Liqian, China. Photo: Natalie Behring